Symphony of Science


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 Children of Planet Earth


My tribute to one of the coolest objects mankind has ever produced - the Voyager Golden Record. Knowing that a billion years from now these two messengers will still be out there is mind-bendingly awesome. I can't imagine a better representation of humanity.


The Nature of Sound


A journey into the world of sound and music with Julius Sumner Miller, Brian Greene, Bill Nye, Yehudi Menuhin and more. Sound has always fascinated me - the way mere vibrations in the air can evoke such strong emotions, and how humans create our own meaning from arbitrary motion of molecules. We are like gods, building huge cathedrals of sonic beauty from minute, invisible physical forces that surround us.


Beyond the Horizon 


Created in collaboration with The Planetary Society on their 35th anniversary. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflect humanity's next frontier: beyond the horizon. Special thanks to everyone at the Planetary Society for making this song & video possible!


Waves of Light


A musical celebration of light and how it tells the story of our universe. Featuring Brian Cox.

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Monsters of the Cosmos


Morgan Freeman and a choir of scientists sing to you about the science and freakiness of black holes.


On a cosmic time scale, human history is as brief as the blink of an eye. By compressing all 13.8 billion years of time into a 10 minute scale, this special cinematic experience shows just how young we truly are, and just how ancient and vast our universe is. A feast for the eyes and ears.


Secret of the Stars

A musical celebration of E=MC squared and Einstein's theory of relativity. Featuring Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Greene and Lisa Randall.

Our Biggest Challenge

A musical investigation into the causes and effects of global climate change and our opportunities to use science to offset it. Featuring Bill Nye, David Attenborough, Richard Alley and Isaac Asimov.

 We Are Stardust


We are star dust, reaching out to the universe. The 15th Symphony of Science video featuring Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman and Lawrence Krauss.

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The World of the Dinosaurs

A musical celebration of dinosaurs! "The World of the Dinosaurs" is the 14th installment in the Symphony of Science series; it investigates their habits, extinction, and how we learn about them. Featuring Alice Roberts, Bill Nye, Nigel Marvin, Dallas Campbell and more.

A musical celebration of the wonders of biology, including evolution, natural selection, DNA, and more. Featuring David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye. "The Greatest Show on Earth" is the 13th video in the Symphony of Science music videos series.


 Onward to the Edge


A musical celebration of the importance and inspirational qualities of space exploration (human and robotic), as well as a look at some of the amazing worlds in our solar system. Featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, and Carolyn Porco. "Onward to the Edge" is the 12th installment in the Symphony of Science series.

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There are times when - at least for now - one must be content to love the questions themselves.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson

The Quantum World


A musical investigation into the nature of atoms and subatomic particles, the jiggly things that make up everything we see. Featuring Morgan Freeman, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Richard Feynman, and Frank Close.


 Children of Africa


A musical celebration of humanity, its origins, and achievements, contrasted with a somber look at our environmentally destructive tendencies and deep similarities with other primates. Featuring Jacob Bronowski, Alice Roberts, Carolyn Porco, Jane Goodall, Robert Sapolsky, Neil deGrasse Tyson and David Attenborough.


Ode to the Brain


Through the powerful words of scientists Carl Sagan, Robert Winston, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Jill Bolte Taylor, Bill Nye, and Oliver Sacks, it covers different aspects the brain including its evolution, neuron networks, folding, and more.